08 9192 4940

Our Services

Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation (DAC) provides couple of Core Services for the Community.
The Municipal (MUNS) program, funded by the state government to provide basic municipal services such as rubbish collection, parks and gardens, roads, including firebreaks and waste facility management.
Three full time employees and approx. 5 casual employees work in this space.

The Mechanical Workshop, is a service that is provided to the community and to the wider Dampier Peninsula with qualified mechanics to work on community vehicles and assist tourists when they are in need too. The Workshop is run as a small business and at times has been quite lucrative for the community. The organisation is hoping to become qualified as a service centre for the Broome Shire in the future. This program is wholly funded by the organisation.


Cleaning Client home Doing laundry at their home/centre


Doing shopping for Client

Personal Care

Help clients with Shower, Haircut or shave


Taking clients Clinic, Shop, Visit Relatives, Broome etc.


Giving client or carer break by taking them out

Day Centre/Breakfast Club

Clients visit centre rest, activities, chat etc.

Social Support

Helping Client with something