08 9192 4940

Djarindjin Services

To Contact us for our services Call us @: 08 9192 4940

About the Djarindjin Community

Djarindjin Community people were once part of the Lombadina Catholic Mission, during the 1980’s the Federal Government instigated the homeland movement, and the old people that were living on the sand dunes and around the mission decided they wanted to have their own community.

Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation commenced in 1985, and the community of Djarindjin started.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a sustainable future for our community, one that allows us all to take care of our country and to thrive as a community.

We are one clan with many connections. We are the voice of our community. We undertake our mission understanding that everything we do is done with respect for each other, an acknowledgement of our past and a determination to make our own future.

Our Vision

Be financially sustainable, have a clear plan for the future that will enable our next generations to be empowered with self-determination.

We are one clan with many connections… Everything we do is done with respect for each other, an acknowledgement of our past and a determination to make our own future.

Our Objective

We are one clan with many connections… Everything we do is done with respect for each other, an acknowledgement of our past and a determination to make our own future.

  1. Good Governance: DAC Board members provide strong leadership through accountable and transparent governance, responsible financial management, strategic corporate planning and operational delivery.
  2. Improving Our Quality of Life: DAC makes strong choices to better the quality of life in Djarindjin and our broader community.
  3. Protect and care for culture and country: DAC is committed to the protection of culture, environment and the natural resources through the implementation of environmental best practice including; animal health, waste management, recycling, energy efficient practices and the development of safe green spaces.
  4. Capacity Building and Employment Creation: DAC provides support and resources for employment and training to build the capacity of our community.

Accommodation at Djarindjin

Single Rooms at Djarindjin

We have single rooms with and without TV

All our rooms are air conditioned

For comfort and convenience our single rooms are ideal

Double Rooms are Available

We have two double rooms available with TV

Upcoming Events at Djarindjin

Testimonials for Djarindjin


Melissa Price MP

Minister for Defence Industry Minister for Science and Technology

‘Well done Nathan for being so organized and so clear about what is expected to keep Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation safe’


Wellcamp ARFF – Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport

‘Great work and a big congratulations to everyone at Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation, your airport crews and your community’


Scott Wetherall

‘Well done. Very safe and professional. Looking forward to many more refuels’


Andrew Tenison-Woods

S92 pilot

‘They do a bloody good job too. Just like clockwork around the helicopters’


Guy Jackson

‘Well done guys, it’s great working with such a professional team on a daily basis. It certainly makes our job a lot easier!


Business Foundations Inc

‘Business Foundations Inc is proud to be working with the Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation as they move towards full economic self-determination. What the team are doing on the Peninsula is an inspiration every day.’


Ben Burton

‘Congratulations Djarindjin Community, board and admin team. It is so good to see services like this being run by one of our own Kimberley Aboriginal corporations. So impressed with what you have all achieved and the legacy created for future the generations.’


National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)

‘NIAA has been impressed with the professionalism of your leadership team and staff to continue delivering services at such a high standard within the context of these issues in the background. In addition, the risk of COVID-19 remains present in our communities to which your community has responded proactively by; promoting vaccinations, resulting in one of the highest vaccination rates in the Kimberley (including a very young cohort) and your continued commitment to your community pandemic plan’


Helen Moore

‘Great work to all of the Djarindjin community. So proud of this switched on attitude towards protecting health of all the community.’


Samantha Phelan

‘Onya, wish we had similar rates remote over here. Maybe people could make a video explaining what they know so it could be shared remote NT?’


@ShellAustralia · Energy company

ongratulations on being recognised for your outstanding achievements in the community!’

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